I Believe, therefore I Understand
I found the young Indonesian Reformed blogger from Surabaya. He is a student in Universitas Kristen Petra, Surabaya and Sekolah Theologia Reformed Injili Surabaya (STRIS) Andhika. His name is Denny Teguh Sutandio. And his blog title is Credo ut Intelligam (I believe, therefore I understand). He started his blog in March, 2007.
He made the category of his writings, but the links in the blog sidebar are uncategorized. So, it's difficult for people to read the links (hopefully Denny read this review:)). But, it's OK. Because people come to the contents and not to the links.
Denny wrote some expositions and book reviews. He put some articles and sermon summaries from some Indonesian Reformed Pastors, especially the pastor from his church.
In this blog, we could find some new informations about Gereja Reformed Injili Indonesia (GRII) and STEMI agendas too.
So, if you want to know the latest information about GRII and STEMI just go to Denny's blog: http://dennytan.blogspot.com/
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